YEuCat @ EuropaCat 2023
27 August - 1 September, Prague, Czech Republic
Connecting with young researchers
at the biggest European catalysis conference
at the biggest European catalysis conference
After a four-year Covid-related break, the 15th installation of EuropaCat took place in Prague, Czech Republic at the end of August 2023. This was the first European Catalysis Congress for YEuCat after its Kick off in Aachen in 2019 and we were happy to be a part of it!
In particular, YEuCat was honored to be appointed as the "Best Poster Jury" for EuropaCat. More than 500 posters entered the competition of which only 10 awardees had to be selected - a job that kept us quite busy in the first conference days.
Furthermore, YEuCat had the opportunity to organize two networking sessions during the conference. Already on Sunday afternoon, we welcomed more than 50 interested young researchers to discuss with us about benefits networking can have on their careers. We specifically addressed the topics of academia jobhopping & short-term contracts, the need to acquire a number of soft skills in addition to a scientific education and potential struggles when transferring from academia to industry. We received plenty of input from the workshop participants, which will certainly influence the next YEuCat events.
In addition, a dedicated Thursday evening session aimed at explaining the specific structure and aims of YEuCat, as well as addressing once more how important outreach is nowadays for a scientific career. Special thanks at this point to Dr. Sebastion Weber (hte GmbH), who joined as a guest speaker and shared his multifacetted networking experiences with us.
YEuCat left this 15th EuropaCat with a great number of new ideas, plans and feedback. We will try to build on all of this in the coming months - hopefully together with the new members that joined us at the conference. Stay tuned!
We would like to thank the Organizing Committe of EuropaCat as well as EFCATS for providing infrastructure for our two sessions during the conference and their trust in our judgement as best poster jury.Â