YEuCat core team 

YEuCat's core team is responsible for planning all future events, developing and representing the network itself, engaging with the extended memers of the network, onboarding of new members as well as connecting to other societies. To maintain a certain level of stability in our dynamic network, the core team members are typically staying for a two year term. Find out more about our core team members by reading their profiles below!

Lorenz Lindenthal
PhD student in TUCAS research group, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria

Lorenz is a PhD student in Technical Chemistry, working in the TUCAS group at University of Leoben. In his research he investigates exsolution catalysts for the application in CO2-utilization, with focus on the reverse water-gas shift (rWGS) reaction, utilizing in-situ and operando methods, such as XRD and XPS. Since fall 2022 he is also part of the spin-off project Sisyphus, aiming to develop the rWGS technology towards application and commercialize it. 

Lorenz joined YEuCat during the EuropaCat 2019 in Aachen and has been active in a team responsible for acquiring sponsorships and organizing events since then.

Emanuele Moioli
Group Leader at the Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland & Associate Professor at Politechnico di Milano

Emanuele is a group leader at the Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland. He currently leads a group focused on the reaction engineering of catalytic reactions aimed at the valorization of waste streams, promotion of circular economy and development of more sustainable chemical processes. He has worked at several research institutions throughout Europe and has relevant industrial experience.

Emanuele joined YEuCat at Europacat XIV in Aachen in August 2019. Since then, he has been responsible for YEuCat’s social media presence. He also had the occasion to participate in most of the YEuCat events.

Vera Truttmann
PostDoc at AKG, ITCP, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

Vera is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for Chemical Technology and Polymer Chemistry at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, where she mainly focuses on online monitoring of flow processes. In particular, she concerns herself with spectroscopy in liquid phase systems and their automated evaluation for enhanced process control.

Vera joined YEuCat during its Kick off event at EuropaCat 2019 in Aachen and has been an active member ever since. She usually keeps track of all YEuCat activities by taking care of meeting agendas & minutes, the webpage and event registrations. In her creative moments, she also sometimes designs flyers for YEuCat’s next events.